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This Substack, managed by Election Day Strategies LLC, is based on our experiences and opinions and shall not be construed as being professional campaign advice for your particular campaign.

Being a subscriber here does not imply that you are a client of Election Day Strategies or that we have any fiduciary responsibility to you or your campaign. Similarly, if you are a client or wish to become a client, you understand that our Substack is used as a marketing tool and as such, it can be read by anyone.

Our customized professional services and consulting are available by agreement/contract, for a fee. Any information you obtain here should not be construed as legal advice, nor as grounds for forming a consultant-client relationship or agency-client relationship, especially since we are not familiar with your particular race or campaign.

If you wish to engage our services on a professional and personalized basis, please call 888-726-2020.

Our Attorney wanted us to let y’all know that!